Archive for the ‘News’ Category
Great article by Joel Salatin
Why are all the chickens so sick?

March 14, 2023
As the nation suffers through yet another High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak, questioning the orthodox narrative is more important than ever. At a time when people are screaming about overpopulation and the world’s inability to feed itself, surely we humans need to figure out how to reduce these kinds of losses.
Numbers change each day, but at the last count about 60 million chickens (mainly laying hens) and turkeys died in the last year. A bit more than a decade ago it was 50 million. Are these cycles inevitable? Are the experts funneling information to the public more trustworthy than those who controlled press releases during 2020’s covid outbreak?
If thinking people learned only one thing from the covid pandemic, it was that official government narratives are politically slanted and often untrue. In this latest HPAI outbreak, perhaps the most egregious departure from truth is the notion that the birds have died as a result of the disease and that euthanasia for survivors is the best and only option.
First, of the nearly 60 million claimed deaths, perhaps no more than a couple million have actually died from HPAI. The rest have been killed in a draconian sterilization protocol. Using the word euthanized rather than the more proper word exterminated clouds the actual story. Euthanizing refers to putting an animal out of its misery. In other words, it’s going to die and is in pain or an incurable condition.
Very few of the birds killed are in pain or even symptomatically sick. If one chicken in a house of a million tests positive for HPAI, the government brings full law enforcement force to the farm to guarantee all live birds die. Quickly.
In not a single flock have all the birds died from HPAI. Every flock has survivors. To be sure, most are exterminated prior to survivors being identified. But in the cases of delayed extermination, a few birds appear immune to the disease. To be sure, HPAI is and can be deadly, but it never kills everything.
The policy of mass extermination without regard to immunity, without even researching why some birds flourish while all around are dying, is insane. The most fundamental principles of animal husbandry and breeding demand that farmers select for healthy immune systems. We farmers have been doing that for millennia. We pick the most robust specimens as genetic material to propagate, whether it’s plants, animals, or microbes.
But in its wisdom, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA—Usduh) has no interest in selecting, protecting, and then propagating the healthy survivors. The policy is clear and simple: kill everything that ever contacted the diseased birds. The second part of the policy is also simple: find a vaccine to stop HPAI.
If a farmer wanted to save the survivors and run a test on his own to try to breed birds with HPAI immunity, gun-toting government agents prohibit him from doing so. The scorched earth policy is the only option even though it doesn’t seem to be working. In fact, the cycles are coming faster and seem to be affecting more birds. Someone ought to question the efficacy.
Some do. When HPAI came through our area of Virginia about 15 years ago, federal veterinarians from around the nation descended to oversee the extermination. Two of them had heard about our pastured poultry operation and asked to come out for a visit on their own personal time. They were not together; they came a couple of weeks apart, independently. Both of them told me that they knew the reason for the outbreak: too many birds too densely packed in too many houses too geographically close together. But then both of them said that if they breathed that idea publicly, they would be fired the next day.
Talk about censorship. In its Feb. 24 edition, the Wall Street Journal headlined “America Is Losing Bird-Flu Battle.” Interestingly, while the article touts the official narrative about wild birds spreading the disease and farmers spreading it on their shoes, one farmer dares to say that “his largest facility houses about 4 million cage-free chickens, which are too many chickens in one locale. ‘We would never do that again,’ he said. New facilities will be smaller, housing about one million birds each, he said, and spaced farther apart to help thwart the threat of continued outbreak.”
Yet a couple of paragraphs over, the article quotes Dr. John Clifford, former US chief veterinary officer, as saying “It’s everywhere.” If it’s everywhere, what difference does reducing flock sizes and putting more space between houses make? Clearly the farmer in this story has a hunch shared by my two visiting federal veterinarians many years ago: too many, too dense, too close.
To be sure, even backyard flocks are susceptible to HPAI, but many of these miniature flocks are on filthy dirt spots and suffer terrible hygienic conditions. Even so, keeping a million birds in a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) happy and hygienic is harder than a backyard flock, and the disease data supports this. The USDA and the industry desperately want to blame wild birds, backyard flocks, and dirty shoes rather than looking in the mirror and realizing this is nature’s way of screaming “Enough!”
“Enough abuse. Enough disrespect. Enough fecal particulate air creating abrasions in my tender mucous membranes.” When Joel Arthur Barker wrote Paradigms and brought that word into common usage, one of his axioms was that paradigms always eventually exceed their point of efficiency. The poultry industry assumed that if 100 birds in a house was good, 200 was better. With the advent of antibiotics and vaccines, houses increased in size and bird density. But nature bats last.
For the record, any agricultural system that views wildlife as a liability is an inherently anti-ecological model. The WSJ article notes that “workers have installed netting over lagoons and other spots where wild birds gather.” Lagoons are inherently anti-ecological. They are cesspools of disease and filth; nature never creates manure lagoons. In nature, animals spread manure out over the landscape where it can be a blessing, not a curse like a lagoon. Perhaps the real culprit is the industry making manure lagoons infecting wild ducks, not the other way around. It’s guilt by association, like saying since I see fire trucks at car wrecks, the fire trucks must be causing the car wrecks.
Notice the kind of bad guy slant on this WSJ sentence: “Buzzards, wild ducks or pests that sneak into barns also can spread the flu virus through mucus or saliva.” Doesn’t this read like a proverbial conspiracy, with wild things sneaking around? It’s all eerily similar to the covid virus sneaking around, needing to be contained with quarantines and masks. One feather contains enough HPAI to affect a million birds. You can’t lock down a chicken house from an errant feather or its microscopic molecules from wafting into a house. It’s absurd.
If our current ag policy is insane, what is a better alternative? My first suggestion is to save the survivors and begin breeding them. That’s a no-brainer. If a flock gets HPAI, let it run its course. It’ll kill the ones it’ll kill but in a few days the survivors will be obvious. Keep those and put them in a breeding program. The beautiful thing about chickens is that they mature and propagate fast enough so that in a year you can move forward two generations. That’s relatively fast. Let survival determine tomorrow’s genetic pool.
Second, how about working on conditions that increase hygiene and happiness? Yes, I said happiness. All animals have optimal herd and flock sizes. For example, you never see more than a couple hundred wild turkeys together. Even when populations are high in an area, they break up into smaller groups rather than joining forces in flocks of 1,000. Other birds do join up in big flocks. Why the difference?
Nobody has made a definitive study of why, but we do know that optimal sizes do exist for stress-free living. For chickens, it’s about 1,000. An elderly poultry industry scientist visited our farm once and told me that if houses would break up chickens into 1,000-bird groups it would virtually eliminate diseases. He said it was okay to have 10,000 birds in a house as long as they were in 1,000-bird units. That way their social structure can function in a natural interaction. Animals have a hierarchy of bullies and timids. That social structure breaks down above optimal size.
With most herbivores, the size is huge, as noted by herd sizes on the Serengeti and Bison on the American plains. Honey bees divide when the hive reaches a certain size. Elk have optimal herd sizes. Mountain goats are in small flocks. Wild pigs too seek a group size seldom exceeding 100. The point is that the first line of defense is to figure out where the stress-free sweet spot is and respect it.
Finally, treat the chickens like chickens. In addition to proper flock size, give them fresh pasture in which to run and scratch. Not dirt yards. Not little aprons around a CAFO. With mobile shelter, on our farm we move the flocks every day or so to fresh pasture. That keeps them on new ground that’s been host free for an extended period of rest. They don’t sleep, eat, and live every moment of every day on their toilet.
The American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA) is a trade organization promoting protocols for this kind of immune-boosting model. Thousands of practitioners adhere to mobile infrastructure that allows appropriate-sized flocks access to fresh air, sunlight, bugs, worms, and succulent green material. On our farm, we use the Millennium Feathernet and Eggmobile, welcoming wild ducks and red-winged blackbirds into the vicinity all as part of a symbiotic ecological nest.
While I don’t want to sound flippant or above HPAI susceptibility, incident rates definitely indicate less vulnerability in well-managed pastured flocks. Creating an immune-building protocol surely merits research as much as overriding the immune system with vaccines and trying to stay ahead of disease mutations and adaptations with human cleverness. How about humbly seeking nature for solutions rather than relying on hubris?
The parallels between HPAI expert orthodoxy and covid orthodoxy are too numerous to mention. Fear porn is rampant in our culture. The HPAI worry feeds food worry, which makes people clamor for government security. People will accept just about anything if they’re afraid. Does anyone really think human cleverness is going to beat migratory ducks? Really? Think it through and then embrace a more natural remedy: well-managed decentralized pastured poultry with appropriate flock sizes.
Joel F. Salatin is an American farmer, lecturer, and author. Salatin raises livestock on his Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley. Meat from the farm is sold by direct marketing to consumers and restaurants.
This article was first published by the Brownstone Institute.
The original article link:
January 2023

Great article by Toby Rogers – I highly recommend subscribing to his substack. Mom
The Great Double Down
Mainstream gatekeepers have been completely wrong about everything for three years yet they are incapable of learning from their mistakes

Jan 11
Like a lot of people in the movement, I assumed that the more the data proved the shots cause harm, the more people would come over to our side. Some do. But in the face of contrary evidence many people double down on the wrong answer. This tells us a lot about human nature and is something that we need to overcome if we want to stop the iatrogenocide.
There are now mountains of evidence that:
• The shots do not stop infection, transmission, hospitalization, nor death.
• The shots suppress immune function immediately, provide a bit of protection against Covid in weeks 6 through 16, and then efficacy goes negative.
• These are the most toxic shots in history.
• They cause turbo cancer.
• They fuel the evolution of variants.
• We will never exit the pandemic so long as these shots are on the market.
(If you don’t understand these basic facts by now, you’re not gonna make it so just get your affairs in order and tell your family you love them but cannot be bothered to save yourself from the most ridiculous psyop in history.)
One might think that being proven wrong over and over again would elicit a certain sense of humility on the part of the mainstream gatekeepers. Unfortunately that’s not the world we live in. Everywhere I look I see the mainstream gatekeepers doubling down on the wrong answer. It’s really quite astonishing.
These people with fancy degrees are incapable of learning.
February 21, 2022. Paul Farmer, the most beloved public health figure in the world and a member of President Biden’s Covid-19 Advisory Council “died suddenly” at age 62. There was no inquest, the Pharma industrial media complex just wrote lots of tearful obituaries about him while continuing to kill people with junk science shots.
November 18, 2022. Oveta Fuller, a member of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), “died suddenly” at age 67. We told them that this would happen (in over 1 million emails) and it happened. The VRBPAC just deleted her name from their roster and continue on with business as usual.
December 10, 2022. Over-vaccinated soccer journalist Grant Wahl “died suddenly” while covering the World Cup. His widow rushed to put her name on an Op Ed in the NY Times (that appears ghost written) blaming so called “anti-vaxxers” for… pointing out the obvious.
January 2, 2023. Buffalo Bills free safety Damar Hamlin had what appears to be a vaccine-induced cardiac arrest on Monday Night Football. Pfizer and their goons rushed to social media to make up a different story about what happened. Fauci came out of retirement to lie about the cause.
(There are thousands and thousands of stories like this. Mark Crispin Miller, Real Not Rare, and React-19 are doing heroic work to document these atrocities.)
90% of Americans have rejected the bivalent “booster” that was only tested in 8 mice. Yet at the next VRBPAC meeting (January 26) Peter Marks and the gang are planning to institutionalize annual reformulated Covid shots just like the failed flu shot program.
Paul Thomas is the best doctor in the world at preventing autism. Yet the Oregon Medical Board forced him to retire. My heart shattered into a million pieces watching this video of Paul Thomas’ last day. Literally thousands of Portland kids will now develop autism as a result of the Oregon Medical Board’s actions.
Pierre Kory is one of the most successful doctors in the world at preventing and treating Covid. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) is trying to strip him of his certification. Apparently anything other than participating in the iatrogenocide is forbidden by the FSMB.
Peter McCullough is the most insightful doctor in the world at understanding cardiac side effects from Covid shots. Rather than learn from his illustrious career, the Pharma mafia are coming for him as well.
This is all untenable. Mainstream allopathic medicine is killing their “best and brightest” and are unable to learn from the people who know how to stop this insanity.
Mainstream allopathic medicine is engaged in Baghdad Bob levels of delusion.
Mainstream allopathic medicine is engaged in Downfall, Hitler in his bunker at the end of World War II, levels of delusion.
The White House has no exit strategy.
The FDA has no exit strategy.
The CDC has no exit strategy.
The mainstream media have no exit strategy.
Paul Offit had an exit strategy — intranasal Covid vaccines to induce mucosal immunity. Alas that strategy just failed too. Because of course it did.
The mainstream plan is mass murder + censorship. That’s it. And they just hope that they can ride that out, what, forever?
(Meanwhile, the Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance figured out how to prevent and treat Covid over two years ago, for just a few dollars per patient. But good luck getting that ivermectin prescription filled at a national pharmacy.)
I’m grateful for the small glimmers of accountability that are springing from the new Republican majority in the House. But most of them do not realize the enormity of the problem we are dealing with.
We are battling a death cult.
We are battling people who are completely insane.
We are battling people who are unable to engage in logic and reason.
I don’t know how our society is ever going to recover from the complete moral and intellectual collapse of nearly the entire “expert” class.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone working to build the parallel economy our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections
DEL BIGTREE Presents The Vaccine Safety Project

ICAN CEO and ‘The HighWire’ host, Del Bigtree, presents ‘The Vaccine Safety Project,’ a comprehensive presentation on Vaccine Safety and Policy in America.
The presentation explains the framework in place to monitor safety, shortcomings of the current vaccine licensing process, details the history of vaccine safety, and establishes the failure of the current system to establish the safety of the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule.
Presented from the stage of the ‘Truth About Cancer’ Conference.
#VSP #VaccineSafetyProject #SafetyFirst #ICAN #TheHighWire
ORIGINAL AIR-DATE: October 18, 2018
Play below or use this link –
Senator Ron Johnson has been a champion for freedom since well before the Covid Pandemic. In this mind-blowing interview, he sits down with Del to expose the dirty pandemic politics that drove America’s Covid Debacle.
#PandemicPolitics #RonJohnson #TheHighWire #DelBigtree #CovidCartel
If the link doesn’t work, you can find it on Mom
September 2022

A very good article and an amazing website are our shares for this month. xo, Mom
50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot
1) Your child wants to play a real-life guinea pig.
2) You’re too busy to research the potential risks of a novel gene therapy that lacks long-term safety data.
Before You Vaccinate Your Child, Consider Five Essential Issues
This article is part of a publishing collaboration between RESCUE and Trial Site News…Read more2 months ago · 97 likes · 3 comments · Mary Beth Pfeiffer
3) You weighed the zero-mortality rate and microscopic risks of serious complications from COVID to children and thought, why not increase the likelihood of being hospitalized by 74 percent, being injured by twenty-five times, and dying by twenty times?
4) You’d like to boost your child’s chances of catching COVID—multiple times.
5) You want to downgrade your child’s natural immunity to antibody-dependent enhancement.
6) You think keeping your child’s vaxxport up-to-date with the latest injection (Germany is encouraging every ninety days—as is Canada) will circumvent the need for masking.
7) You believe informed consent is passé.
Informed Consent To Parents Contemplating COVID-19 Injections For Their Infants and Toddlers
On 2 occasions, mothers reached out to me for help with guidance around the decision to vaccinate their young children against COVID-19. They were deeply knowledgeable about many aspects of the data around the Covid “vaccines” and thus did not want their 2 and 4 year-old daughters respectively to be “vaccinated” (quotes are there because they are not tr…Read more19 days ago · 246 likes · 32 comments · Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
8) You Trust The Experts™—not science.

9) You think life is boring and want to spice it up with some tragedy.
10) You’d like to add to the 54,697 adverse event reports received for children (out of 1,394,703 reports) through August 26, 2022, for conditions such as encephalitis, Bell’s palsy, aneurysms, cerebral hemorrhage, myocarditis, thrombocytopenia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, appendicitis, heart disease, and death.

11) You wish your child could enjoy a life of chronic illness from a progressively damaged immune system.
12) You think your toddler would benefit from periodic seizures.
13) You believe less than a month of efficacy after the second dose is worth giving your teen myocarditis.
14) You would like to go bankrupt covering the medical bills the government is shielding pharmaceutical companies from.
15) You want to keep protecting manufacturers from liability once their emergency use authorizations expire thanks to Reagan’s 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act, which gives them a pass as long as the product is administered to kids.
16) You think it would be fun if your child developed turbo cancer.

17) You believe becoming paralyzed from the waist down and relying on a feeding tube like Maddie de Garay would be a good life lesson for your kid.

18) You’d like your child to go from looking like this:

… to this:

19) You wish you could feel like this father did after his son got vaxx-induced myocarditis, which comes with a five-year life expectancy.

20) You want your child to experience the adventure of a heart attack.

21) You think playing Russian Roulette with your child’s life is exciting and are already planning the funeral.

22) You want casket manufacturers to sell even more bulk orders of child-sized coffins so they can surpass the 400-percent increase since December 2021 reported by one North American company.

Kat A 🌸 @SaiKate108A Tasmanian funeral director is concerned about the 50% rise in funerals he is undertaking in the last 7 mnths. ‘The previous 10 and a quarter years were very very consistent. But this has been a rapid rise in the last 6 to 7 mnths’ Stats: 16.6% rise in excess deaths in Oz.
August 29th 20222,680 Retweets4,593 Likes
23) You want your child to wind up like three-year-old Ámbar Suárez, thirteen-year-old Jacob Clynick, nineteen-year-old Simone Scott, seventeen-year-old Sean Hartman, and sixteen-year-old Ernesto Ramirez Jr. so you don’t have to worry about paying for college or any other expenses associated with being alive.

24) You think you could use a good, lifelong cry like this Trinidad mom who lost her son:

I just heard of another tragic “unexpected” death. A very fit young mom, with no underlying conditions just dies of a stroke (with massive brain bleeding) leaving two young boys. Nobody realizes it was the COVID vaccine that likely killed her. They just think she died unexpectedly… just bad luck…Read more19 days ago · 901 likes · 963 comments · Steve Kirsch
25) You feel the government has the right to sacrifice your child for the “greater good.”
26) You think Denmark’s decision to stop injecting children based on the data is recklessly scientific.
27) You’re cool with medical tyranny.
28) You’ve decided it’s easier to believe the Big Lie than to acknowledge it’s occurring and do something about it.
29) You’re terrified of being branded the enemy.
30) You’d rather endanger your child than be called an anti-vaxxer, science-denier, conspiracy theorist, or right-wing extremist.

Read the rest here:
Great website, full on links –
August 2022
Some great articles and a new documentary this month. Stand strong! Love, Mom

Really good article by Dr. Malone about eating organic and why it’s important.
Excellent documentary by Vaccine Choice Canada, Uninformed Consent:
What you need to know about plant based ‘meat’ –
July 2022
The last two episodes of The Highwire are really worth watching, links below. Love, Mom

June 2022
Lots of really great articles and videos this month. Links below. xo Mom
May 2022

Important article by James Lyons-Weiler,
The News Cycles to Shock and Distract You. Why You Need to Stay Hyperfocused on FDA for One Month. This Month.
As FDA works with Pfizer/Moderna to Find Excuses to Approve of COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Under 5 (An Impossible Task) we are about to be peppered with distracting news stories designed to distract
James Lyons-Weiler3 hr ago |
One month ago, I emailed close associates inviting them to join an FDA Watchdog Group bent on keeping a laser-beam-like focus on the FDA as it moves toward reconsidering approval of COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 5 years of age.
I predicted that the news cycles would be peppered with jaw-dropping distracting headlines.
Today’s is “In a stunning breach of confidentiality and secrecy, Politico obtained what it calls a draft of a majority opinion that would strike down Roe v. Wade” (CNN).
Don’t be distracted. Stay on focus: The move to approve COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 5 is is necessary for the states to begin to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and then all vaccines, for all children under the age of 5 – before parents begin comparing notes on vaccines for school entry.
FDA postposed the decision given insufficient (unconvincing) data. But there cannot be any convincing new data that shows individual benefit for kids under five from the COVID-19 vaccines… they do not stop transmission; under any reality-based analysis, kids do not stop COVID-19; kids do not get COVID-19 or die from COVID-19.
What type of evidence of individual benefit could Pfizer/Moderna/FDA cook up in two months’ time? Will they show that individual children have decreased risk of death from COVID-19? No, the vaccines being studied are targeting an extinct virus. Will they show that Will they show that individual children have decreased risk of hospitalization from COVID-19? No. Wil they show decreased transmission in this population? No, Dr. Fantini’s results show INCREASED transmission due to vaccination against Wuhan-1 since the emergence of Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron.Popular RationalismStudy Suggests That Moderna and Pfizer Vaccine Selection Triggered Disease Enhancement in Delta and Its SpreadResearchers at Boston University have reported that individuals vaccinated with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine have no immunity to more recent variants; in fact, v2 and v3 of the Beta variant had escaped humoral immunity from these vaccines (Full text…Read more4 months ago · 91 likes · 9 comments · James Lyons-Weiler
The FDA will be show data on antibodies. Period. Antibodies against an extinct variant, Wuhan-1.
The participants in the study will likely not be screened for prior immunity to COVID-19 from either natural infection, or from prior infection to viruses that confer cross-protection.
And the study will be adjusted for outcomes-related confounders, if necessary (p-hacking).
And we know that antibodies do not tell the full story.
Students in my Immunology course have created a visually stunning, fact-filled fact sheet showing that antibodies do not tell the entire story of our immune response to COVID-19 or to COVID-19 vaccines.
To sign up to receive information about the Fact Sheet, and how to interact with IPAK-EDU to have information sheets made for your organization, email subject line “Fact Sheet Zoom Meeting”. Read more here,
The News Cycles to Shock and Distract You. Why You Need to Stay Hyperfocused on FDA for One Month. This Month.
As FDA works with Pfizer/Moderna to Find Excuses to Approve of COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Under 5 (An Impossible Task) we are about to be peppered with distracting news stories designed to distract
James Lyons-Weiler3 hr ago |
One month ago, I emailed close associates inviting them to join an FDA Watchdog Group bent on keeping a laser-beam-like focus on the FDA as it moves toward reconsidering approval of COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 5 years of age.
I predicted that the news cycles would be peppered with jaw-dropping distracting headlines.
Today’s is “In a stunning breach of confidentiality and secrecy, Politico obtained what it calls a draft of a majority opinion that would strike down Roe v. Wade” (CNN).
Don’t be distracted. Stay on focus: The move to approve COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 5 is is necessary for the states to begin to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and then all vaccines, for all children under the age of 5 – before parents begin comparing notes on vaccines for school entry.
FDA postposed the decision given insufficient (unconvincing) data. But there cannot be any convincing new data that shows individual benefit for kids under five from the COVID-19 vaccines… they do not stop transmission; under any reality-based analysis, kids do not stop COVID-19; kids do not get COVID-19 or die from COVID-19.
What type of evidence of individual benefit could Pfizer/Moderna/FDA cook up in two months’ time? Will they show that individual children have decreased risk of death from COVID-19? No, the vaccines being studied are targeting an extinct virus. Will they show that Will they show that individual children have decreased risk of hospitalization from COVID-19? No. Wil they show decreased transmission in this population? No, Dr. Fantini’s results show INCREASED transmission due to vaccination against Wuhan-1 since the emergence of Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron.Popular RationalismStudy Suggests That Moderna and Pfizer Vaccine Selection Triggered Disease Enhancement in Delta and Its SpreadResearchers at Boston University have reported that individuals vaccinated with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine have no immunity to more recent variants; in fact, v2 and v3 of the Beta variant had escaped humoral immunity from these vaccines (Full text…Read more4 months ago · 91 likes · 9 comments · James Lyons-Weiler
The FDA will be show data on antibodies. Period. Antibodies against an extinct variant, Wuhan-1.
The participants in the study will likely not be screened for prior immunity to COVID-19 from either natural infection, or from prior infection to viruses that confer cross-protection.
And the study will be adjusted for outcomes-related confounders, if necessary (p-hacking).
And we know that antibodies do not tell the full story.
Students in my Immunology course have created a visually stunning, fact-filled fact sheet showing that antibodies do not tell the entire story of our immune response to COVID-19 or to COVID-19 vaccines.
To sign up to receive information about the Fact Sheet, and how to interact with IPAK-EDU to have information sheets made for your organization, email subject line “Fact Sheet Zoom Meeting”.
April 2022

It’s long, but the Defeat the Mandate rally in LA on April 10th is really worth watching.
Some recent articles: