Archive for the ‘Vaccines’ Category
January 2021
Is it really a ‘Vaccine’

Where to start this month… They rolled out the ‘vaccine’ it’s not even licensed by the FDA yet. It’s an experimental technology, not even actually a ‘vaccine’ it’s gene therapy. Traditional vaccines like measles have a bit of the virus so that in principle your body can develop some immunity. This covid treatment is not that.
Dr. David Martin from the January 5, 2021 Focus on Fauci event that you need to share with everyone:
Let’s make sure we are clear… This is not a vaccine. They are using the term “vaccine” to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is not a vaccine.
This is mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine. Vaccines actually are a legally defined term under public health law; they are a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards.[1] And the vaccine specifically has to stimulate both the immunity within the person receiving it and it also has to disrupt transmission.
And that is not what this is. They (Moderna and Pfizer) have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell is not to stop the transmission, it is a treatment. But if it was discussed as a treatment, it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health authorities because then people would say, “What other treatments are there?”
The use of the term vaccine is unconscionable for both the legal definition and also it is actually the sucker punch to open and free discourse… Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company for cancer, not a vaccine manufacturer for SARSCOV2. If we said we are going to give people prophylactic chemotherapy for the cancer they don’t yet have, we’d be laughed out of the room because it’s a stupid idea. That’s exactly what this is. This is a mechanical device in the form of a very small package of technology that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site.
And I refuse to stipulate in any conversations that this is in fact a vaccine issue. The only reason why the term is being used is to abuse the 1905 Jacobson case that has been misrepresented since it was written. And if we were honest with this, we would actually call it what it is: it is a chemical pathogen device that is actually meant to unleash a chemical pathogen production action within a cell. It is a medical device, not a drug because it meets the CDRH definition of a device. It is not a living system, it is not a biologic system, it is a physical technology – it happens to just come in the size of a molecular package.
So, we need to be really clear on making sure we don’t fall for their game. Because their game is if we talk about it as a vaccine then we are going to get into a vaccine conversation but this is not, by their own admission, a vaccine. As a result it must be clear to everyone listening that we will not fall for this failed definition just like we will not fall for their industrial chemical definition of health. Both of them are functionally flawed and are an implicit violation of the legal construct that is being exploited. I get frustrated when I hear activists and lawyers say, “we are going to fight the vaccine”. If you stipulate it’s a vaccine you’ve already lost the battle. It’s not a vaccine. It is made to make you sick.
80% of the people exposed to SARSCOV2 are asymptomatic carriers. 80% of people who get this injected into them experience a clinical adverse event. You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response. In other words, nothing about this is going to stop you from transmitting anything. This is about getting you sick and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick.
When the paymaster for the distribution of information happens to be the industry that’s doing the distributing, we lose. Because the only narrative is the one that will be compensated by the people writing the check. That goes for our politicians… and our media – it has been paid for – if you follow the money you realize there is no non-conflicted voice on any network.[1] The word “vaccine” originates from the Latin Variolae vaccinae (cowpox), which Edward Jenner demonstrated in 1798 could prevent smallpox in humans. Today the term ‘vaccine’ applies to all biological preparations, produced from living organisms, that enhance immunity against disease and either prevent (prophylactic vaccines) or, in some cases, treat disease (therapeutic vaccines). From:
‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly: You Can’t Sweep Deaths Under the Rug + Free Pot With Your COVID Shot? + More
In “This Week” with Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense vice chair and general counsel, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” Mary and Polly discuss the growing reports of injuries and deaths from COVID vaccines … and more. Read more here,
Side Effects and Data Gaps Raise Questions on COVID Vaccine
- Reports of serious side effects to the COVID-19 vaccines have started emerging. Examples include persistent malaise and extreme exhaustion, anaphylactic reactions, multisystem inflammatory syndrome, chronic seizures and convulsions, paralysis and sudden death within hours or days
- By December 18, 2020, 112,807 Americans had received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Of those, 3,150 suffered one or more “health impact events.” That’s a side effect rate of 2.79%
- While Pfizer claims its vaccine is 95% effective, this is the relative risk reduction. The absolute risk reduction is actually less than 1%
- Analysis of recently released data suggests the relative risk reduction for Pfizer’s vaccine may actually be between 19% and 29% — far lower than the required licensing threshold of 50%
- Studies have warned COVID-19 vaccines may result in more serious disease when exposed to the virus, either through antibody-dependent immune enhancement or pathogen priming that triggers an autoimmune response
- Read more here,
Here is a link for a site that is reporting all adverse effects occurring around the world,
WHO, Fauci Warn COVID-19 Vaccines May Not Prevent Infection and Disease Transmission
At a virtual press conference held by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Dec. 28, 2020, WHO officials warned there is no guarantee that COVID-19 vaccines will prevent people from being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and transmitting it to other people.1 In a New Year’s Day interview with Newsweek, Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), reinforced the WHO’s admission that health officials do not know if COVID-19 vaccines prevent infection or if people can spread the virus to others after getting vaccinated.2 According to U.S. and WHO health officials, vaccinated persons still need to mask and social distance because they could be able to spread the new coronavirus to others without knowing it.3 4
Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in December 2020 for Pfizer/BioNTech5 and Moderna6 to release their experimental mRNA vaccines for use in the U.S., the companies only provided evidence from clinical trials to demonstrate that their vaccines prevented more mild to severe COVID-19 disease symptoms in vaccinated participants compared to unvaccinated trial participants. The companies did not investigate whether the vaccines prevent people from becoming asymptomatically infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and/or transmitting it to other people.7 8 Read more here,
Oracle Films, a Bristol-based production company, has released a video called Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine), uploaded on 7 December.
The video, made in collaboration with Fiona Hine, Founder of CoviLeaks, features 33 Doctors and a few other professionals – including some names you’ll be familiar with and others you won’t – who all urge caution regarding the CV-19 vaccine. This is a great video, watch here,
December 2020
Some links and news. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. Mom

The above is a list of possible side effects from the CV vac – No animal tests, no long term testing, no independent testing.
The Coronavirus Vaccine Uncensored | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Del Bigtree
The wonderful Brandy Vaughn, from was found dead this week. Please support her fundraiser, if you’re able.
The Highwire with Del Bigtree did an excellent Vaccine Safety presentation a few weeks back. Really worth watching and sharing. Click on the link below.
Here’s what happened the last time we rushed a vaccine.
Petition: Repeal Immunity for Drug Companies Against Vaccine Injuries
Please sign and share! xo Mom
Repeal Immunity for Drug Companies Against Vaccine Injuries
Why should the drug companies be above the law? If vaccines are safe, there would be no need to grant the drug companies immunity. In 1986 Congress gave the drug companies immunity against all lawsuits from vaccine related injuries. The Federal Government is now paying out billions in damages to some parents whose children have been hurt by vaccines. While the drug companies continue to rack up huge profits, most families continue to pay for the damages with their own money.
Why is this important?
This petition was started by a citizen and not by MoveOn. Please ask Moveon to support this petition by clicking on the link in the red banner above.
NEW: HHS has not done ANY vaccine safety studies for 32 years as required by the 1986 law.
Please share this important information with your
doctor/nurse and legislators at the local and federal level.
NEW: Injury/Death Stats from all vaccines since 1987 is given below.
This information is publicly available from
Please do your own search. It is very easy!
The number of deaths from all vaccines since 1987 is 5,726. The number of people disabled from all vaccines since 1987 is 13,718. The number of people hospitalized after a vaccine is 59,368. The number of ER visits is 180,476.
And we are told that vaccines are completely safe for
In 1986 Congress granted immunity to vaccine makers against all lawsuits. This
is blatantly unfair and un-American. No other industry group is protected in
this manner. People in other countries can sue vaccine makers and do but we in
America cannot! The US Government is now grudgingly paying billions to parents
of children damaged by vaccines, but only after years of litigation. Only 1 in
5 claimants ever gets paid. This, at a time when the vaccine makers such as
Merck make billions in profits. Sound familiar? Corporate socialism! The
compensation money comes from a $0.75 excise tax that vaccine makers pay for
each shot but this is hardly adequate. Families are often burdened with
thousands of dollars each year to take care of vaccine injured (sometimes
permanently) children. The maximum payout is capped at $250K if a child dies.
Clearly Congress decided to serve the corporations rather than the people! THIS
The vaccine makers continue to make more vaccines and are lobbying state legislatures to remove existing personal and religious exemptions (e.g. SB 277 and SB 792 in CA). There is talk of making vaccination mandatory for adults also. Immunity from prosecution for vaccine manufacturers must be repealed because with immunity, vaccine makers have no incentive to make sure vaccines are safe. We want better and safer vaccines. This will happen ONLY if we repeal vaccine manufacturers’ immunity.
Vaccine makers cannot lobby/pay politicians to force mandates on our kids, grand kids and on us and not pay for the damages their products cause! Our medical freedoms are paramount and no government should force us to inject chemicals into our bodies without our consent! Not in the LAND OF THE FREE!!
Please watch/read and decide for yourself if vaccines are safe or not.
Vaccines in the news

Where to even start this month, while the world is in lock down. Just dropping some of the best articles I’ve found, as links below. Stay well. Mom
RKF jr. on Gates
RFK jr. on the Flu vaccine
Researchers say Californians may have developed herd immunity to coronavirus. Yet researchers at Stanford University have theorized that coronavirus first hit California undetected last year, much earlier than anyone realized, and was only seen at that time as a particularly nasty and early flu season. (I know so many people who were seriously sick then)
Also this is really important from Web MD and a NY doctor who’s been on the front lines. They are finding that the patients being put on respirators are dying, possibly from the respirators – they need oxygen (like masks) but not respirators. And that’s it’s doesn’t seem like pneumonia, but actually is appearing more like altitude sickness which would just require oxygen.
Here’s the interview:
Corona Virus Vaccine info……
They are going ahead with human trials in Washington State, AND skipping the animal studies that should be done beforehand (and as usual, no placebo testing.)
From the article:
Studies have suggested that coronavirus vaccines carry the risk of what is known as vaccine enhancement, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus. The mechanism that causes that risk is not fully understood and is one of the stumbling blocks that has prevented the successful development of a coronavirus vaccine.
Read more here:
Dr. Toni Bark
The world has lost an incredible voice this week. Dr. Toni Bark. She was a Pediatrician, the former head of a pediatric ER in the Chicago area and was a much honored doctor. Please watch. Mom
Imagine if there was proof that vaccines weren’t safe…

Unfortunately, there is… Mom
Study: For 1 in 168 children, vaccines cause side effects so severe that they require an ER visit.
Study: Boys vaccinated against Hep B at birth are 3x more likely to develop autism.
Analysis: SIDs and Infant Mortality Rates Regressed Against Number Of Vaccine Doses Routinely Given “A high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates…”
Case Study: Rare simultaneous Sudden Infant Death (SID) of identical twins 2 days after vaccination.
Study: Rotovirus linked to fatal intestinal disorder in 1 in every 4670 infants. “There was also an increase in the risk of intussusception after the second dose of the vaccine… The strong association between vaccination with RRV-TV and intussusception among otherwise healthy infants supports the existence of a causal relation.”
Study: “Epidemiological evidence supporting an association between… Thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines and the subsequent risk of an ASD diagnosis.”
Study: “The higher the proportion of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher was the prevalence of AUT or SLI. A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having AUT or SLI. Neither parental behavior nor access to care affected the results, since vaccination proportions were not significantly related (statistically) to any other disability or to the number of pediatricians in a U.S. state. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism.”
Analysis: “The risk of autism among African American children vaccinated before the age of 2 years was 340% that of those vaccinated later.”
Analysis: “Methodological issues and evidence of malfeasance in research purporting to show thimerosal in vaccines is safe.”
Study: Link between antibodies from MMR vaccine and central nervous system autoimmune dysfunction in children with autism
Study: Link between aluminum in vaccines and prevalence of autism
Study: “The related and damaging effect of exposure to high levels of mercury… a viable alternative explanation for the occurrence of regressive autism. The evidence indicates there is alteration to chromosome structure and/or function.”
Case Series: Vaccine additives cause autism-like symptoms.
Analysis: “A comprehensive review of mercury-provoked autism. In conclusion, the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence favours acceptance that Hg exposure is capable of causing some ASDs.”
Analysis: Explanation of why some children are at greater risk of developing autism after vaccines. “The evidence suggests that the abnormal sulfation chemistry, limited thiol availability, and decreased GSH res
A Shot in the Dark

Very good short documentary. Watch and share! Mom
Dr Lawrence Palevsky on vaccine safety and mandates
Here’s his original interview, given to the CT legislators.
Here’s another interview he did with Dr. Mercola. We need more doctors speaking out like this! Thank you Dr. Larry! – Mom
Dr. Palevsky received his medical degree from the NYU School
of Medicine in 1987. He completed a pediatric residency at the Mount Sinai
Hospital in NYC, and a fellowship at Bellevue Hospital-NYU School of Medicine
in the pediatric outpatient department and emergency room by 1991.
Dr. Palevsky began his career working as a
pediatrician in the emergency room of Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center in the
Bronx, NY from 1991-1995. He served as the Chief of the Pediatric Acute Care
Unit at NYC’s Lenox Hill Hospital from 1995-1998, and continued on in the
Department of Pediatrics at Lenox Hill until March 2000. In April 2000, Dr.
Palevsky began his practice as the holistic integrative pediatrician for the
Center for Health & Healing, an integrative and complementary care medical
facility affiliated with the Beth Israel Medical Center in NYC.
Since 1991, Dr. Palevsky’s clinical practice
experience includes pediatric emergency and intensive care medicine, in-patient
and out-patient pediatric medicine, neonatal intensive care medicine, newborn
and delivery room medicine, and conventional, holistic and integrative
pediatric private practice in NYC.
Dr. Palevsky is a Fellow of the American Academy of
Pediatrics, Past – President of the American Holistic Medical Association,
co-founder and President of the Holistic Pediatric Association, a Diplomate of
the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, and a medical advisory
board member to the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food & Health in New York
City, Developmental Delay Resources and the National Vaccine Information
Dr_ Lawrence Palevsky-HD 720p from J Cherry on Vimeo.
Vaccines in the News – January 2020

Vaccines in the News – January 2020
It’s time to fight for our rights to not be forcibly vaccinated by untested, unsafe, liability free pharmaceutical products! If you’re not already, it’s time to get involved.
Love, Mom
The below is a great article from:
Dear Pro-Vaccine Friend or Family Member
As someone who once believed in vaccines, who vaccinated my child, I’m asking you to hear me out.
You might think I am either (1) stupid, (2) uneducated, or (3) crazy. I know you think questioning vaccine safety is akin to believing in conspiracy theories. I know you are angered to think that there are people putting children in harm’s way because of the increasing rate of vaccine refusal.
I understand that. I 100% appreciate the fact that you care about children, that you care about health, and that you want the best for your family and for the rest of us.
I know you find the practice of vaccination to be an incredible scientific advancement that you are deeply thankful for. I know you believe in the benevolence and good will of those in the medical profession. I know you believe that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risk of harm. I know you believe that vaccines save lives, and that with them we have eradicated horrible diseases and made the world a safer place, for everyone.
HOW truly INSPIRING and absolutely wonderful is that to believe? To believe that humans have changed and can continue to change the course of history, the threat of disease morbidity and mortality, through medical innovation? That is an incredible idea and reality that many of us REALLY WANT to believe…
How difficult and frustrating would it then be, to have those beliefs challenged? And for medical professionals, to have one of the main tenets of their profession and life purpose be questioned, and attacked?
It would feel terrible, insulting, baffling, and like all that is right in this world, everything you know that exists to protect your children, is being threatened by misguided idiots and those who want to watch the world burn. How could anyone possibly want to see polio return? Measles? Mumps? Whooping cough? To make everyone vulnerable and needlessly put in harm’s way, again?
—— I get it. No really, I do. ——
Believe me, it took years of daily research and investigation into this issue before I began to decide that the potential benefits of vaccination do not outweigh the costs. And this was after vaccinating my child and watching him suffer neurodevelopmental and cognitive delays. This was after we began to deal with food allergies that gave him constant stomach pain and eczema.
Let me add, that when I say the words “research” and “investigate”, I’m not talking about mom blogs or natural news websites with no sources or references for their information. I’m talking about published, peer reviewed scientific research from medical journals. I’m talking about data and records from the CDC website that you have to dig to find. I’m talking about important information about outbreaks and how to treat measles and whooping cough that doesn’t make the local or national news. I’m talking about historical records and archived articles… A significant amount of this information is behind paywalls. It’s not easily found or accessed unless you have come to learn what you need to search for.
I will also add that I am a scientist. Specifically, a toxicologist – someone who determines the level at which a particular substance is toxic or deadly. (No need to remind me that “the dose makes the poison”. This applies to substances that are not toxic at the lowest levels we can measure.) I know how to read, understand, and interpret scientific research. When it comes to vaccines, I search for proof. For solid scientific evidence. It was and still is, of utmost importance to me, to see the research, and only then, come to an informed decision. And in the end, the overwhelming amount of unbiased historical and scientific evidence – was against vaccines.
I do not take this issue lightly. The debate about vaccines is so volatile, simply because we all CARE so much, about children, about our families. People on both sides of this debate – the majority of them are truly GOOD people.
The difference between us is that you believe the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks. And after years of research and/or witnessing our children suffer vaccine injury, we do not. There is passion and frustration on both sides, and we are coming from the same place with that frustration. We simply disagree on how to best protect our children.
What I am hoping for, is that you might just heed our warning, and make an effort to dive deep into the research on this subject. So what, you know what you know, and the entire medical system and all of these great pediatricians KNOW that vaccines are “safe and effective”. Well what if that’s not actually… true?
What if doctors never actually learn about vaccines, their ingredients, or adverse events, in medical school? What if the medical textbooks are written with an enormous amount of funding from the pharmaceutical industry? What if the CDC owns patents on vaccines? What if the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt and funds studies which conveniently stop monitoring test subjects before adverse effects begin to manifest? What if vaccines contain toxic substances at levels which can cause chronic illness when children are repeatedly injected with them? What if we are trading temporary illness for the development of autoimmune and neurological disease later in life? What if the threat and danger of these “preventable” diseases has been inflated to push more vaccines? What if these vaccines are not even truly effective as we have been led to believe and we will always need more booster shots to try to make up for that fact? What if there is evidence for all of the above, you just haven’t seen it yet?
…If you want to vaccinate, then do so. I hope though that you might keep an open mind and genuinely take time to look into this for yourself, beyond the claims of our government and medical system which ignore or are unaware of the massive amount of evidence that contradicts those claims.
Please take caution and know that I don’t do this to be popular. I don’t do this to make friends.
The only reason I speak out, is to protect my children and your children, from unnecessary harm. Truly.
With love.
Some sources:
Unaired interview with local news station + sources:
Critical Vaccine Studies:
What doctors learn about vaccines in medical school:
Conflicts of interest in medical education:
Corruption in scientific research:
As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias:
Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary:
The CDC owns patents on vaccines (please check all of the sources in this article linking to the patents):
Bad science:
Cons of vaccinating [read the links contained within this article]:
“Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.”
And infants are receiving a lot more aluminum than this in their vaccines.
Nutrition was the biggest factor in the decline of disease mortality, not vaccines:
“Of the total fall in the standardized death rate between 1900 and 1973, 92.3 percent occurred prior to 1950.”
Year vaccine was introduced:
Polio: 1955 / Measles: 1963 / Mumps: 1967 / Rubella: 1969
Measles adverse event rate pre-1960s vs current rate of adverse events from the MMR vaccine:
Measles, before the vaccine, and now:
[ASIA] Autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants (e.g. Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines). Vaccination triggers rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disease, and other autoimmune conditions:
Macrophagic myofasciitis [MMF]: characterization and pathophysiology:
MMF-associated cognitive dysfunction triggered by vaccination. “Affected patients usually are middle-aged adults, mainly presenting with diffuse arthromyalgias, chronic fatigue, and marked cognitive deficits…”:
MMF has been found to be directly triggered by tetanus, Hep A, or Hep B vaccination. Long-term persistence of aluminum injected intramuscularly via vaccine eventually causes systemic symptoms, which can manifest 3-96 months (8 years) later. Median time to symptoms onset is 11 months post-vaccination:
…And there’s so much more. This is but a glimpse of all the information out there that we aren’t being given.
Researching Vaccines: Where to Start.
A Holiday Classic: Measles For Dummies
Great info from The Highwire. Happy New Year! May we wake up the world in 2020.